“The energy crisis is accelerating insolvencies or company closures that would have been expected anyway,” so economist Veronika Grimm in Handelsblatt.
Patrik-Ludwig Hantzsch of the Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V. says that companies need to address their problems and adapt their business models to the new conditions, Business Insider reports.
According to Süddeutsche Zeitung, the spokesperson from the Federal Ministry of Justice around Dr. Marco Buschmann let it be known that companies should gain time with the change in insolvency law to be able to adapt their business models.
Sequoia’s #1 recommendation is to conduct situation analysis and adapt quickly. Now more than ever, it’s important to put the current business model to the test, analyze the data and make appropriate adjustments.
That is exactly what we help with. IDEASCANNER leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to drive the company value. With our digital tool and proven method you get answers to
1. SCAN: What is the status quo of your current business positioning?
2. SCORE: What is the measurable potential for improvement?
3. SCALE: How can the business model be improved?
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